" It’s an irony of life that even though learning is more or less all they do once they’ve found their toes, much of it unfolds in the absence of reflection. " That one sentence stopped me cold (among others) and took my thoughts in an unexpected direction. You are telling stories not preaching.

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This beautiful, thoughtful writing teaches me more about the gift of slow and contemplative reading. Thank you dear friend.

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That's an unexpected teaching I hadn't thought of. The teaching and the learning is ongoing.

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Two phrases jumped together for me out of all your beautiful words: 'the currency of human interaction' and cash as 'legal tender'. If only our human exchanges of all kinds - including of money or of what is legal - could be filled with tenderness. Thank you again Susie!

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“The currency of human interaction”…such a beautiful awareness, Susie.

Preaching seems to be a word used when the teaching has to do with ways to conform to any of a number of specific agendas. Exploring, expressing, wondering, awe and amazement aren’t preaching, even when agendas abound. Take a deep breath, step back and give yourself a hug, OK? Hope that wasn’t too preachy! 😉

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As always you are teaching as you write. Your gift of observation is a powerful tool of learning and teaching. Thank you, 🙏🏽 Susie 🕯️

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As long as I'm not being preachy. There's a fine line, don't you think?

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