
Each time it passes through an individual consciousness, it gains awareness and loses credibility.

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Susie, I loved this, "How they squeal when something remarkable happens like a cupcake or a grandpa." and this, "Isaac came running up to me with his hands cupped in the international sign for amphibian." such beautiful tender writing and then the gut punch of the trump administration's imprisonment and separation of children from their parents. The juxtaposition was brutal. And necessary. Then this, "the time to stop being a voyeur, to become instead a witness to all the children who go around with tear-streaked faces and come around asking for us to really see them." thank you for writing that and for sharing it again now.

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I appreciate the strength of your response. Sometimes the "children" thing feels sentimental. But really thinking about their innocence, their helplessness and the future they represent seems so deeply important.

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We DID need to read this again, to be reminded what Trump and his sidekick, immigrant hating Steve Miller, were and are capable. Let's all sent postcards to folks in the swing states to help get out the vote. I have read their is evidence that receiving a personal postcard from another voter enocurages them to vote, maybe even to knock on a few doors. Thanks for a powerful essay. Every sentient being deserves to be free.

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Michelle's speech about "doing something" was so simple and so brilliant. I'm knocking on doors and distributing material in the condo building with two other residents. It feels essential.

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I agree. Her speech was the greatest motivator if anyone needed one. You’ll probably have some interesting conversations. Let us know how it goes.

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I didn't read this when it came out, but it's powerful and TRUE! There are so many things that should never happen again--this is one of them.

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I couldn't believe it was happening the first time. It really laid bare the cruelty at the heart of MAGA.

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Nailed it eloquently.

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Awesome piece, thank you Susie. Love what you're doing and my heart breaks for the USA and what's happening. Best wishes from OZ. No wizards, but slightly better government and not quite as much corruption - though the NRA is trying to push in here as well - and I'm sure they're behind the beastly wolf culling that is going on in Switzerland. Tragic. Shocking. Almost unbelievable.

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Thanks, Chrissie. What's particularly heart-wrenching is that we've been going through this for nine years, since Trump announced in 2015. We need a break! And yet, as you say, it's unbelievable. Maybe that's in part a good thing. It allows us to maintain a vision of a possible life-affirming future. Much appreciate your reading my work.

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If only this weren't a necessary cautionary tale. But since it is, thanks, Susie, for plying us with this again.

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As if there weren't enough to worry about, right? Still...I don't think I'll ever forget those images of the caged children.

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Thanks for re-igniting the specifics.

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This one gives me goosebumps. As your Canadian ally I want to jump across the border and join in your consciousness raising protest.

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Thank you, Jinks. There's a way that the American situation is really a world situation.

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Lots of well-placed anger, Susie. Beautifully expressed, as always.

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Thanks, Don. Continues to be timely, regrettably.

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