My friend, Deb Koffman, a gifted artist and spiritual teacher, died four years ago today. She left a large body of paintings, drawings, cartoons, paper constructions and animations that helped to spread her ideas about the power of art to make community and the power of love to make artists of us all. I’m still learning from Deb. Her radical message feels especially powerful today at a time when fear and rage are trying their best to drown out our better angels. Deb's art unleashes an energy of a different kind. For many years, she brought us together monthly to share our work at her storefront studio in Housatonic, MA. How Do You Fill the World with Love? hangs in the window of that inspirational Art Space.
So much artistry for love, she gave us. May we honor her memory by loving it all! Thank you, Susie!
Much needed. These days, it's easy to forget. xoxoxo